Jan 15, 2013

Federal Tax in 2013 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act

Alert | Tax Alert

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the "Act") signed into law by President Obama on January 2, 2013, modifies and/or extends certain "Bush-era" tax cuts or tax credits that would have expired at the end of 2012. Roetzel's tax professionals provide this Tax Alert as a brief summary of certain provisions of the Act and other federal taxes that go into effect this year that may be of particular interest.

Click here for the full printable version.

Please contact any of the following Roetzel attorneys for further information:

Steve St. L. Cox (Akron, OH)
330.849.6714 | scox@ralaw.com

Scot C. Crow (Columbus, OH)
614.723.2067 | scrow@ralaw.com

Alan H. Daniels (Orlando, FL)
407.245.2426 | adaniels@ralaw.com

Timothy J. Emmitt (Chicago, IL)
312.580.1240 | temmitt@ralaw.com

Sara E. Graditor (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
954.759.2746 | sgraditor@ralaw.com

Erika L. Haupt (Columbus, OH)
614.723.2037 | ehaupt@ralaw.com

Edward C. Hertenstein (Columbus, OH)
614.723.2066 | ehertenstein@ralaw.com

G. Carson McEachern (Naples, FL)
239.649.2713 | cmceachern@ralaw.com

William R. O'Neill (Naples, FL)
239.649.2722 | woneill@ralaw.com

Joseph D. Zaks (Naples, FL)
239.649.2720 | jzaks@ralaw.com

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